Thursday, July 7, 2011

BHAV 5 (5th house)

      The shaded portion above represents bhav 5 or the 5th house . It represents belly, liver, advice and counsel , children, discernment and discrimination. The theme of this house is that of constructive intelligence , from which good advice can flow . So this house can be taken as house of formal higher education . It represents high intelligence level. it also tells about the ability to educate.
            Another theme of this house is creativity . it can be creation of children,art,poetry,music,fun etc. It is associated with spirituality, father and gain through the partner.
          In above illustration, number 5 is written in this house . 5th constellation is Virgo. The lord of this constellation is SUN. So SUN will be having an important role regarding all the matters of this house, in this kundali.  Any  aspect or association of any other planet on sun or in this house will have positive or negative effects accordingly.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

BHAV 4 (4th house)

        The shaded part above is known as 4th BHAV or 4th house. It represents chest,conveyances, land and water dwellings, education, happiness, houses, immovable property and mother etc.
           The constellation of the 4th house in the above case is  is Cancer;  because Cancer is 4th constellation . The lord of this constellation is moon. Moon is a mobile planet, so it suggests vehicles also. The fourth house is also a house of moksha. So it also indicates a spiritual education (morality, positive emotions, contentment etc.). Any planet aspecting this house or Moon or conjoining it ; will have effect on the matters regarding this house.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

BHAV 3 (3rd HOUSE)

       The shaded house above is known as 3rd bhav. It represents younger brothers and sisters, arms,parents, death,short travels,written communication etc. The third house represents the conscious mind as well as the hands. When these two function together coordinately, skill arises. So it represents hand skill also.
                   Number 3 is written in this house in above illustration. 3 represents 3rd cnstellation i. e. GEMINI . Planet Mercury is lord of this constellation. So Mercury , in this kundali, will be playing an important role regarding the matters of this house. Also any planet which occupies this house, or aspects this house will have impact on these matters.In this house Murcury can signify shorter journeys and quick returns, while Saturn can indicate long journeys .

Friday, July 1, 2011

BHAV 2 (2nd house)

                      The shaded part in the above kundali represents 2nd bhav or 2nd house . This bhav represents ability to speak,accumulated money,right eye,throat,speech etc.  The association of oratory with the second house comes from the organs it primarily represents ; the mouth, tongue and throat. this is the reason why the 2nd house stands for oral communication.
                     the 2nd house is often taken in the sense of 'people close to you' . They can include your parents, uncles and aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters, in-laws etc. Suppose Saturn is poorly placed in 2nd bhav; then it can indicate a lifelong tendency to be separated or isolated from this ongoing family.
                     This house may also represent early childhood education or communication of classical oral traditions. In the above illustration of kundali  number 2 is written in 2nd bhav. Number 2 represents 2nd constellation i.e.TAURUS. Lord of this constellation is Venus . In this kundali Venus will be playing very important role in deciding about the matters related to this bhav . Position of Venus , other planets aspecting it, or conjoining it ; all this will have considerable effect on this bhav .

Thursday, June 30, 2011

BHAV 1 ( first house )

          There are 12 bhavas in lagna kundali . The shaded part above in the kundali is called the first bhav or the first house. By seeing the planets occupying this house , jyotishis make different predictions . The first house rules over a persons body, appearance, behavior,constitution, dignity etc.
                      In above kundali no.1 is written in first bhav . It is not always so . Sometimes any other number can be seen in first bhav . The number written in any bhav represents the constellation number; starting from ARIES. ARIES is considered no.1 . Then on no2 is constellation TAURUS. So on and so forth . The first bhav will always be on the top, while constellation number will be according to their different positions at the time of birth.
           The first house is very important .It applies to everything in horoscope. This bhav is also called the ascendant. Any planet that affects the ascendant,by occupying or aspecting it;will contribute its qualities to all parts of the native's life. When Mars for instance affects the ascendant, it colours all aspects of life with Martian colours. So it may give courage tinged with irritability, potentially aggressive behavior such as insulting speech, a Martian profession, Mars related illness and the like.
                     The lord of the constellation of first bhav is also very important. In the above kundali , the constellation occupying the first house is ARIES. The lord of ARIES is Mars. So Mars in the above kundali will be of great importance to the native.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

THE BHAVAS(houses)

         The above illustration represents kundali. It is divided  into twelve parts called bhavas. The twelve bhavas  of your horoscope represent the totality of the external conditions of your existence as experienced by the internal states of your mind. internal experience is often disproportionate to external environment . (Being rich will not necessarily make one happy.Likewise you may be poor but still very happy) . These twelve bhavas are cosmic looms, on which the grahas(नौ ग्रह) weave the tapestry of your life from the yarn of your karmas(कर्म ).  
                           So according to jyotish the good or bad deeds which one performs in previous life ; bring the outcome in this life . All the bhavas will be having grahas occupying them according to the performance done in previous life. A grah occupies a very good position in a bhav if one had done good deeds . Likewise bad deeds of previous life make the grah occupy a very bad position in a bhav.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have always been fascinated by astrology. when my children grew old, I took some time out of my daily routine to study it. My children purchased books for me on this topic. I started studying the janmkundalis of my colleagues and friends. I could make out some interesting conclusions. I thought of sharing all these fascinating things about jyotish with one and all!
             My son suggested that I might write blogs on this very subject and share my experiences with people. I endorsed the idea and here is the outcome!
                  JYOTISH is Sanskrit term derived from two roots : JYOTI means light, and ISHA ( ईश) means Lord or God . So "jyotish " means lord of lights . It is basically science of study of heavenly lights (lights of sun,moon ,stars and planets) and their effects on human life .